We all know it's important to get out and active during lockdown. We want to do our bit to make our daily exercise as enjoyable as possible, and, well... we missed our run club.
That's why we've made our Run Club go VIRTUAL!
Every Thursday, we host a virtual run on Strava. The cleanest runs also win a prize of a free case of delicious natural energy.
What's not to like? Now, there's nothing left to do than to get outside and hit the trails.
For more info, the latest on the UK's pollution news, and cool extras, join our Strava club here:
We want to help every runner in London to find the cleanest air possible. Please read these terms and conditions to make sure your runs are eligible for our prizes!
All runs must be at least 1km
- All runs must be logged within the 24 hours of each week's specified date (normally from 00.01-23.59 each Thursday)
All runs must be logged within Greater London, see http://tenzingcleanairrunclub.com for the exact applicable area
Activities need to be posted in the Strava app, and with an activity title or description tagging @tenzing, and with the hashtag #TENZINGCleanAir
Activities must not overlap two different days
- Runners cannot win more than once in the same calendar month
Activities must be logged within the specific time period of the competition
Team Tenzing reserves the right to final discretion on the awarding and/or relinquishing of prizes for clean runs logged within the specified dates.