With the country on lockdown and us all concentrating on keeping active, exercise has spiked to an all time high. So, we put the pedal down on finishing a special something we've been brewing for months: the launch of our most powerful brew ever.
TENZING Blackberry & Açaí is crammed with bad-ass anti-oxidising berries, and we're the first natural energy to also have plant-based BCAAs, perfect for boosting workouts and aiding your recovery.
We've increased the size of our unique blend, to give you slightly more caffeine, vitamins, and electrolytes, so you can fuel your most intense moments, naturally.
Unleashing the world’s strongest natural energy is no mean feat though, and our new blend is not for the faint-hearted. To be among the first to try the new TENZING, you have to prove you’ve earned it. We’re giving away an exclusive password to everyone that completes our 'Unleash Energy' challenge on Strava, giving you first access to our latest brew.
Now, all that's left to do is get moving!